Playing with Daddy's phone in the car
One of many car naps....
Chasing ants at a rest stop on I-64
Mommy has a bottle!!
It's lunchtime!!
Birthday cake
Ethan's cake
Cake is good!
Ethan likes his birthday card!
Lots of books for his birthday!!
Tissue paper is fun!!
This book makes fun noises!
Ethan shares a birthday with my cousin Chuck! Here they are sporting their birthday shirts!!
Chuck has a few *extra* ones!
We went to Sandy Point State Park while we were there! Ethan got his first visit to the Chesapeake Bay! Um...let's just say he is NOT a fan!!
Yay! I'm at the beach!
What is this stuff??
Wait!! I dont think I like this stuff at all!!
Michelle and Abby enjoy the bay water!
Mommy and Ethan check out the water
"Do NOT put me down in this sand lady!!"
I warned you!!
Daddy and Ethan check out the beach
A family photo - it was the best we could do!!
Much happier in his stroller eating snacks!
Beautiful view of the Bay Bridge!
I know there are a ton more photos out there of his party - I just don't have all of them uploaded yet! I'll edit this post and add more when I find them!!!
I miss you already......
It was SO great seeing yall! I miss you guys already too! *Big Hugs*
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