Ethan is almost 7 weeks old! It has been both the longest and the shortest 7 weeks of our lives!
In eating news:
He is doing great on his golden formula! We don't have another (scheduled) appt with the pediatrician until mid-September for his two-month check up and shots. We are currently taking bets on whether we will make it four full weeks without a visit to Dr. M!! In his first 4 weeks of life, Ethan visited Dr. M at least 6 times......maybe more! What will she do without us?!?!
He loves to eat and his weight is showing it! In my most scientific of ways (I stepped on the scale and then stepped back on while holding him) I'm guessing he weighs around 10.5 pounds! No doubt he is gaining weight. He has outgrown all of his newborn clothes and newborn diapers!! When he has to give up his bottle to burp, he gets REALLY REALLY angry!! And when he wakes up from a long nap and realizes how hungry he is.......he is REALLY REALLY angry!!
In fun news:
Ethan loves his rainforest play mat. I know I told you that last time....but seriously, this kid adores those animals!! He smiles at them, and talks to them, and kicks to the music, and swings his arms like crazy. He is trying really hard to reach the toys except he hasn't quite mastered how to use his hands!!
He loves to smile at everything and is beginning to make noises that sound like laughs!! It is so reassuring to know that he can make noises other than "WAAAAAA WAAAA WAAAAA"
And sometimes he even sleeps!! We are starting to try and get him used to sleeping in his pack'n'play bassinet. It has to be elevated to help his reflux or he will spit up and get very uncomfortable. Right now he isn't very fond of sleeping in the bassinet and we honestly haven't even tried the crib!! But he does love to sit in his boppy and watch the ocean wonders in his crib while I fold his laundry!
And sometimes, when the planets are properly aligned and we say all the right magical words.....
In all honesty, about 4 or 5 nights a week ~ he will sleep about 6 hours at night! And we certainly can't complain about that!!
So that's what is new in our world for right now. Thanks for checking on us!
I know!! I know!!!! It's been forever since I put an update on the blog. This kid keeps me really busy!! But right now he is sleeping in my lap - hopefully I can type faster than he can nap!!! Lots to catch you up on, so get comfy!!
Ethan vs. The Photographer
We had professional pictures done of Ethan when he was only 2 weeks old. We didn't expect a miracle out of him, but really just wanted to capture that time. He'll never be that tiny fact, he's already growing like a weed! Ethan was not extremely excited about cooperating with the photographer. We were mean parents and tricked our baby with his pacifier! We would give it to him just long enough to calm him down and then yank it away! His photographer was very quick on the trigger, catching some super cute pictures.
Here are some of our favorites: (all photos were taken at Portrait Innovations)
Ethan vs. his formula
My child DOES love to eat! No question about that!! It's just that he has been struggling with finding the right formula for his little tummy. He started off in the hospital with nursing. When he went into the NICU, he needed a formula supplement to keep his blood sugars up ~ so he was on Similac. He didn't do well on that, so his pedi changed him to Enfamil Gentlease. That was supposed to be easier on his tummy.....nope! So we gave up all milk-based products and went to soy. He was doing OK on the soy, less spitting up - but he wasnt properly digesting it. We learned this one Saturday afternoon while at Sams Club doing some shopping. Ethan was happily riding in the cart in his carseat and I noticed a little bit of dribble on his chin. As I went to wipe it off, he threw up ~ pretty seriously. Then I noticed he was choking!! He was turning purple :o( We grabbed him up as quickly as we could and started patting on his back. I'm sure the whole event lasted seconds, but it felt like hours!! We talked to his pediatrician and she agreed that he should not be working this hard to digest. So another change........and we are now on Enfamil Nutramigen. It's a hypoallergenic formula, not made of milk or soy. For the price we pay ~ I'm quite sure it is made of powdered GOLD! We are very very lucky that our pediatrician's office is good to us and we often leave there with free samples of his formula. In 3 weeks, we've only had to purchase one can so far! He has also started on Axid for acid reflux. It really seems to help him not to be so uncomfortable when he eats and when he spits up.
And speaking of spitting up......that hasn't stopped. Just to be sure we were still paying attention to him, Ethan decided to start spitting up again! His pedi sent us to Children's Mercy to have a sonogram done to rule out any problems with the formation/function of his stomach, kidneys, etc. The FANTASTIC news is that everything came back great! No major issues for us to worry about. But that means we just have a spitty baby. His tummy is a little slower to mature than the rest of his body so he is doing lots of spitting up. He WILL grow out of it, we just have to be patient. There is an elective surgery that we could have done (who in the world ELECTS to have surgery for their baby?!?! NOT US!!) but his dr doesn't recommend it. She said we are better off investing in a good laundry detergent and stain remover!!
Ethan vs. the playmat!!
Ethan has started noticing lights and sounds and toys! It really is sooo cute!! Last week while Donna and Sarah were visiting, we put his rainforest playmat together and put him down on it to see what he would do! He just loved watching the lights and listening to the music.
I took a short video of him playing. Sorry it appears to be upside down. I was sitting behind him so that he didn't notice me and cry to be picked up! Watch about 15ish seconds into the video for a little tiny laugh!!
And this is a picture from today's playtime! He noticed himself in the little red mirror!! Also, you can see that he is wearing the same outfit as in the 2 week pictures above - only now it fits him so much better!
Not a playmat, but just as entertaining ~ Ethan LOOOOVES to laugh at the ceiling fan!! It is his favorite morning activity! After his early morning bottle, he likes to hang out on his boppy and laugh/coo at the ceiling fan!! Yup, I caught that moment too!
Ethan vs. Mommy's Camera!!
Monday, August 11th was the official "1 month old" mark!! I tried all day to get a good picture of him with his little baby gnome (Thanks Tara!!) only he was having a particularly fussy day. Finally right before we changed him into his jammies, I got one. I even got a tiny little grin!!
But I have to include this one also so you can see what I was up against all day long!!!
His one month statistics from his doctor's appt yesterday: Weight ~ 9lbs 4.2oz Lenght ~ 21 inches Head ~ 14 3/4 inches
Ethan vs. the GIRLS!!!!
Already a ladies man! I met two of my girlfriends for coffee on Thursday. Natalie has a little girl - Paige - who is 3 months old. Kim also has a little girl - McKenna - who just turned 2 weeks old today. So Ethan got to have his picture taken with two beautiful girls, one older and one younger! Every boy's dream right??!?!? Yeah, they didn't seem to care to notice one another at this age. Maybe in a few years!
Natalie and Paige
Kim's baby McKenna ~ asleep in my arms!! Ethan was NEVER this tiny, not even at birth!!
All the babies! L. to R. ~ Paige, Ethan, and McKenna
Ethan vs. Mommy!!
And finally, a quick look into my daily life!! This is how I trick my son into thinking that I'm holding him during the day!! This is how I get the chance to eat, change over a load of laundry, wash bottles, you name it!! Thanks to my good friend Kate for making me these sling carriers! They have saved me. Although, I must admit, I'm just waiting for the day that I accidentally drip jelly on his head!