Goodbye 2011 - Hello 2012.
In honor of the new year, let's look back at my 2011 list.
11 in '11.
These are 11 things I want to try to accompish during 2011. I figure if I put it here, it will hold me a little more accountable. So here goes!
1. I want to lose 40 lbs this year - and I'm hoping to be halfway there by our 5th wedding anniversary. I think 40 is a very reasonable goal. it is roughly 3.5 lbs a month. I can do it!! - Giant Fail
2. I would like to restore some order/organization to our closets --- mine/Charlie's, Ethan's & Hannah's, linen closet, cleaning closet, all of them! - Not too bad. I have been much better about cleaning out the closets regularly! I need to keep this up!
3. Reduce, reduce, reduce!! We have too much stuff. While I'm organizing (see #2) I would like to get rid of stuff we dont need or use. Craigslist and E-bay -- here I come!! - Not too bad on this one either.
4. Recycle more. Our city provides a large recycle bin and picks up every other Friday. I would like to see us fill it up every other week. - we're working on it. I do forget more than I should...but we are better about it than we used to be. Work in Progress!!
5. Another personal goal - I would like to be able to pump for Hannah until at least 9 months. It's not easy to exclusively pump for your infant while also taking care of your, I guess he's almost a preschooler now - ACK! But I've made it 3.5 months so far. I'm (sortof) in a routine at home and work, and I would really like to do this as long as possible! - I made it to 6 months and I couldn't be prouder of myself!! I had enough in the freezer when I quit pumping, she got usually 1 - sometimes 2 bottles of breastmilk until she was a little over 10.5 months!! I didn't make it to 9 months, but I'm not at all disappointed in myself. I think I did great!
6. Spend more quality time with my kids. Sometimes I feel like I rush through things because I feel like I have too much to do. I need to slow down and enjoy the small things in my life - because let's face it, they wont be small for long! By this time next year, Ethan will be 3.5 years old and in preschool. Hannah will be walking and talking and not taking bottles. So when I have to yawn my way through the day because one of them had me up too early - I hope I can just pour myself another cup of coffee and take it in stride. - Ethan is totally into board games and is fun to play with. Hannah just loves to do whatever. I am really enjoying my kiddos!!
7. Spend more quality time with my husband. I cannot believe we will celebrate our 5th anniversary this year. I mean, we've been together much longer than that - but we've been married almost 5 years. Sometimes it seems like our wedding was a million years ago and sometimes it seems like it was just a few weeks ago. That's crazy. And so this year, on our 5th anniversary year, I would like to turn off my laptop more frequently and just curl up on the couch with my best friend after our kids have gone to bed. - We had a wonderful trip to Vegas and work hard to spend time together. It helps that our kids are in a great evening routine and on a "typical" night....both are asleep by 8:30!!
8. I'm going to read 12 books this year! I wanted to say that I would read 20, but I thought I would set my goal a little more reasonable for this year. I got a Kindle for my birthday so reading is a little easier since I dont have to tote around a "real" book....and I dont have to worry about the library people coming after me when I keep it too long. - Uh...yeah. not so much! I think I read 4. Unless you count "Llama Llama" books, or "Green Eggs and Ham".....then I totally made my goal!!
9. I will keep up better with the blog. I dont see many comments, but I know my family really enjoys reading the blog and keeping up with us and the kids. So, I'm going to try really hard to keep it up a little better - my goal is once a week! Let's see how I do! :) More pictures and videos of the kids - coming soon to a blog near you! Haha - Oh lordy - GIANT fail!!!
10. I would like to accomplish two house projects. We eventually want to be able to sell this house and move to something just slightly bigger. In order to do that, we have some projects that need to get done. I would like to accomplish 2 things on that list during 2011. - We did it!!! We got a new roof and a new deck. We got some trees in our backyard cut down because they were hanging over our roof/gutters. And we put up a very nice swingset for the kids!!
11. I would like to find a new church community where I am comfortable. I have missed church as an active part of my life. I hope I can make an honest effort to find a new place by the time Advent comes around again -- maybe even by Easter! :) - Nope. I didn't make it. **BUT** I did attend Christmas Eve service and realized how much I miss church. I'm actively searching and will be attending service somewhere in the next week or two.
I'm working on my 12 in '12 list. Stay tuned!!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Monday, November 28, 2011
Stationery card

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Saturday, April 23, 2011
Lots of Pictures
Yup, I disappeared again. Sorry!
How about a bunch of pictures?! Will you forgive me then?
We've started working on potty training. I wish I could say it was going well. But he does like to sit on the potty and get a sticker...Haha

We've had just a few really nice spring-weather days. It's been nice to get outside. Ethan loves the park. He looks so grown up!

Ethan LOVES his race tracks!!

Maw-Maw sent Ethan some Easter window clings. He's been really enjoying them!!

Notice the poor bunny's ears are detached from his head! haha

One month ago, Hannah turned 6m old

She is growing such a personality! (and some crazy hair!!)

Hannah enjoyed her first time at the park! She likes to swing!

She has mastered pulling up to a standing position

And she's pretty good at scooting backwards. She is also alarmingly close to crawling forward!!

She often gets stuck UNDER things!

Today, Hannah turned 7 months old

We went to visit the Easter Bunny (sorry, these are pictures of pictures)

Ethan made a foam Easter egg with foam stickers!

Hannah chewed on the stroller - and smiled!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!!

MawMaw and PawPaw sent baskets too!

Happy Easter!
How about a bunch of pictures?! Will you forgive me then?
We've started working on potty training. I wish I could say it was going well. But he does like to sit on the potty and get a sticker...Haha
We've had just a few really nice spring-weather days. It's been nice to get outside. Ethan loves the park. He looks so grown up!
Ethan LOVES his race tracks!!
Maw-Maw sent Ethan some Easter window clings. He's been really enjoying them!!
Notice the poor bunny's ears are detached from his head! haha
One month ago, Hannah turned 6m old
She is growing such a personality! (and some crazy hair!!)
Hannah enjoyed her first time at the park! She likes to swing!
She has mastered pulling up to a standing position
And she's pretty good at scooting backwards. She is also alarmingly close to crawling forward!!
She often gets stuck UNDER things!
Today, Hannah turned 7 months old
We went to visit the Easter Bunny (sorry, these are pictures of pictures)
Ethan made a foam Easter egg with foam stickers!
Hannah chewed on the stroller - and smiled!
The Easter Bunny came to our house!!
MawMaw and PawPaw sent baskets too!
Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Trying to be crafty!!
I did not get the full-blown crafty gene that my Mom has....but every once in a while, I surprise myself with what I can do!
Ethan will be starting pre-school in August (I know, I know. I don't want to talk about it!!!). Anyway, he will need a blanket for rest time. I decided I would make him a blanket now so that he could start using it for naps at daycare. Then when it comes time to transition to preschool, the blanket will be something familiar and hopefully make it easier on him.
A quick google search turned up 9 million ways to make a no-sew fleece blanket. I followed these directions and was pleasantly surprised how easy it really was!!! And what's really nice is - it's OK if your cutting isn't perfect!
Lay out the fleece on your floor

Cut the corners

I used a scrap off the fleece to "measure" my cuts for my knot strips

Make these cuts on all 4 sides

Tie every other fringe into a double knot. Then flip it over and tie the remaining strips into a double knot.

TaaDaa!! Total cost for NCAA fleece and red fleece = $22!! It could be done for much less $$ if you don't want licensed material.

Ethan's is KU on one side and red on the other

I think he approves!!

Ethan will be starting pre-school in August (I know, I know. I don't want to talk about it!!!). Anyway, he will need a blanket for rest time. I decided I would make him a blanket now so that he could start using it for naps at daycare. Then when it comes time to transition to preschool, the blanket will be something familiar and hopefully make it easier on him.
A quick google search turned up 9 million ways to make a no-sew fleece blanket. I followed these directions and was pleasantly surprised how easy it really was!!! And what's really nice is - it's OK if your cutting isn't perfect!
Lay out the fleece on your floor
Cut the corners
I used a scrap off the fleece to "measure" my cuts for my knot strips
Make these cuts on all 4 sides
Tie every other fringe into a double knot. Then flip it over and tie the remaining strips into a double knot.
TaaDaa!! Total cost for NCAA fleece and red fleece = $22!! It could be done for much less $$ if you don't want licensed material.
Ethan's is KU on one side and red on the other
I think he approves!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Beautiful Spring Day!!
Despite yesterday's 2" of snow that fell on my back deck - today was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Leave it to Kansas to drop 2" of snow on Monday and then be almost 60* on Tuesday! Whatever, I'll take it!
We got outside with the kids for some much needed fresh air!! Ethan and I had fun blowing and chasing bubbles. He pushed Hannah up and down the cul-de-sac at least 5 times. Then Daddy came home and kicked the soccer ball with Ethan while Mommy finished dinner.

"Push Hannah, this way!!"

Please Spring............stay for a while!!!!
We got outside with the kids for some much needed fresh air!! Ethan and I had fun blowing and chasing bubbles. He pushed Hannah up and down the cul-de-sac at least 5 times. Then Daddy came home and kicked the soccer ball with Ethan while Mommy finished dinner.
"Push Hannah, this way!!"
Please Spring............stay for a while!!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Happy 5 (and a half!) Months!!
I know, I know. I made that resolution to blog more and I totally failed during February. In my defense, everyone in this house was sick for the entire month. Seriously. It has been about 6 weeks since we have all been healthy at the same time. I had strep for the first time in quite a few years, and that was on top of my ear infection and my sinus infection. Hannah had bronchitis, and Ethan had such a horrible respiratory virus - we actually thought he may have had chest xray and some bloodwork later - no pneumonia. Phew! And poor Charlie, he got some variation of all of the above. Seriously, good riddance to February! Hopefully March will start bringing some warmer weather - though, this morning's snow was nto a good start to Spring Break - and then the germs can make a mass exit!
So, while I've been gone - Hannah turned 5 months old, is wearing 6 - 9 month clothes, started sitting up, started eating oatmeal cereal and sweet potatoes (and her toes!), and grew a tooth!! Yeah, she's growing up WAY too fast!
She is such a laid back baby. She only really fusses when she needs something and she's always full of smiles after a long day! It's like we can't ever remember a time when she wasn't part of our family!

Sweet Potato Face!! Can you see the tooth?!

Are you ready to eat, Hannah?

What do you mean it's all gone?!?!?
So, while I've been gone - Hannah turned 5 months old, is wearing 6 - 9 month clothes, started sitting up, started eating oatmeal cereal and sweet potatoes (and her toes!), and grew a tooth!! Yeah, she's growing up WAY too fast!
She is such a laid back baby. She only really fusses when she needs something and she's always full of smiles after a long day! It's like we can't ever remember a time when she wasn't part of our family!
Sweet Potato Face!! Can you see the tooth?!
Are you ready to eat, Hannah?
What do you mean it's all gone?!?!?
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