We also had a doctor's appt on Monday. Our appointment went great, we even got a quick peek at our little one again. I had my sugar test to check for gestational diabetes. The sugar drink I had to gulp down should have sent our baby on a sugar-induced frenzy. Not only was I not feeling a ton of movement like expected, I was barely feeling anything at all. The heartbeat was good but she still wanted to double-check on my fluid levels so off to the sonogram room we go.
Turns out, our baby sleeps a LOT when exposed to mass quantities of sugar! It was all curled up and comfy. We got to see the heart beating away. Saw the stomach full of fluid, which is good ~ means baby is swallowing properly. Saw the bladder full also, which is good because baby is processing fluids properly! My doctor was able to make out the parts of the heart and tried to point them out.......but I couldn't see what she was talking about!! After lots of poking and pushing, the baby wiggled a little and looked right at us! We saw the lips and even got a little smile. And then it's little eyelids opened up and we saw the eyeballs moving!! Freaky for sure but absolutely amazing all at the same time! It is so nice to know that baby is still doing well and very reassuring to get another peek!
Baby has been quite active since Monday, so nothing to worry about. Just being a bit stubborn on that particular day! So without further blabbering from me......here is my big baby belly.